Sunday, November 30, 2008

On the Street.... Continuing Style, Albuquerque


Anonymous said...

Oh, those gentleman farmers: doing a little hunting, inspecting the grounds, creating their own fashion, living in their own paradise... Who would not be a little jealous!

Erin Bradley said...

Jodphurs create such a long, lean leg. It really works for his robust proportions. The fabric is great, as well.

Anonymous said...

Those rolled up sleeves say 'style, that's hard-working'.

CrazyCatLady said...

The large white collar against a black background is reminiscent of Yves St Laurent, no? I feel like this is a lady is leaving the farm for a very special evening out.

tatermarie said...

That's a beautiful feline I must say

heidi said...

i thought the "flavor patch" facial hair had gone out of style, but this dude pulls it off with flair.