Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Paris Cat Fancy

These are two shots I did on Purple Play Things for the upcoming issue of Paris Cat Fancy.


Erin Bradley said...

Parisian women aren't afraid of a little whimsy every once in a while.

Paula said...

every other one would have looked ridiculous with that purple-fuzz. She makes it look like a serious accessoire.

Ivy said...

Interesting. Are more Parisian women choosing not to wax their mustaches?

Sabina E. said...


Siru said...

I just love purple in accessories !

juliet xxx

heidi said...

It's so inspiring to see kitties cheering for fall fashion.

Orfamay said...

White after Labor Day?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Paula. The first picture just looks great.

Prabhav said...

really cute photos, i must say!

Anonymous said...

oh.. great! i like the picture, because purple hits my eyes, and it's harmonious with the kitty cat.

linda said...

Anyone whose ever taken pictures of animals can appreciate the time that must have goes into these they are really beautiful. Go to Rome you will find plenty of pictures to take of cats by the ruins. It is marvellous. Can you post my blogspot to this its http://www.wantstohavestreamsofincome.blogspot.com Thanks

Kathleen E. Lochhead said...

I definitly have one of those purple play things. ^^;

Isa said...

Oh wow - true fashion kittens, yay!

lpunhjimm said...

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